Our projects

Branch of Law:
Intellectual property object
Protected assets:
500 000 000

We achieved the prosecution of an unscrupulous competitor by the antimonopoly authority, the refusal to satisfy the competitor’s application to challenge the decision of the antimonopoly authority.


Core of the Case

The unscrupulous competitor sent notices to the principal’s counterparties (Channel One, STS, Humor FM, etc.) containing false information about the absence of the principal’s rights to intellectual property and the illegality of their use.


Scope of Services

Full support in CRP.


Achievements, Results, Importance, Significance of the Project

We achieved the prosecution of an unscrupulous competitor by the antimonopoly authority, the refusal to satisfy the competitor’s application to challenge the decision of the antimonopoly authority. The actions of the unscrupulous competitor threatened the activities of the principal and harmed his business reputation. The result of our work was the termination of illegal actions of the competitor.


Case File


Branch of Law:
Intellectual property object
Protected assets:
500 000 000

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