Realizing the importance of participating in solving socially significant problems, Avelan Law Firm pays special attention to cooperation with charity and non-profit organizations. 

Our company sees its role in solving the existing challenges in the social sphere in supporting the most vulnerable population.

In particular, we support organizations and projects such as:

1. Maria’s Children Charity Foundation Studio for orphans, children with special needs and graduates of boarding schools. This center was created for the social, psychological and intellectual rehabilitation of orphans, their adaptation to adult life through various types of creativity.

2. Life Line Charity Foundation A non-profit organization that provides targeted assistance to severely ill children. The foundation finances the purchase of life-saving medical equipment, medical research and high-tech surgeries.

3. Vera Hospice Charity Foundation. A non-profit organization that constantly supports hospices and provides targeted assistance to terminally ill people. The foundation assists the development of palliative care in Russia and supports any initiatives in this area.

4. Tula Regional Specialized Orphanage for Children with Organic Damage to the Central Nervous System with Mental Disorders No. 2. Orphanage for socialization, education, development of children from 1 month to 4 years.

Childs Mary
Life Line(EN)

    When establishing our company in 2006, we created activity bases that are most important for us: high quality and reasonable cost of services, conscientiousness and decency of employees, friendly attitude towards clients. To this day, these foundations remain unshakable.
    Sergey Kazinets
    Managing Partner
    We have always strived to make Avelan a reliable friend and partner for our clients and employees. And even if it sounds immodest, we really achieved this, because we are increasingly hearing such comments about ourselves: “Yes, these are very cool, positive guys. They are professionals and it’s a pleasure to work with them!” This is a great motivation for maintaining and developing the principles of our company.
    Valery Lazebny
    Managing Partner
    The main capital of the company is the energy, knowledge, experience, commitment and high professionalism of each of our employees, whom we greatly appreciate and respect. They are not just hired personnel, they are members of the large Avelan family. We find a separate approach to each lawyer, develop their best qualities and provide the most comfortable working conditions to unlock their creative potential.
    Sergey Kazinets
    Managing Partner
    Our website is an integral part of the company. We keep it up to date, share our main events and interesting legal information. We hope that our Internet resource will allow you to get a clear idea about Avelan Law Firm, the services it provides, as well as its contribution to the development of jurisprudence in the country.
    Valery Lazebny
    Managing Partner